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Registered Agency


CFN will you provide you with Resident Agency for your legal entity. Resident Agency is the legally required physical address established in the state where your entity is registered. A registered agent is defined as a person or entity designated in the articles of incorporation or articles of organization, who is allowed to accept legal documents and notifications from a state office on behalf of a corporate entity. All corporations and Limited-Liability Companies (LLCs) must choose a person or entity to act as their registered agent, also known as a statutory agent. 


Registered Agency is a physical address (a PO Box will not do), and someone physically at the address during regular business hours. The primary role of the registered agent is to receive service of legal papers, as well as important state and federal mail, including tax forms, annual corporate report forms, and legal notices. 


It is critical that the registered agent handles official state documents correctly in order to keep your company in full compliance with all state and federal agencies.


Running a business without a legal Resident Agent would forfeit your company’s legal right to do business. The restrictions and penalties for lack of resident agency compliance are severe. Regaining good standing with state and federal agencies is costly and time consuming. It is best to avoid going down this road.


Contact one of our representatives for additional information so we can assist you in selecting which state best suits your corporate needs. 

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